What is Botox?
Botox is an injectable drug created from a toxin called Botulinum Toxin Type A. This toxin leads to a lethal form of food poisoning called Botulism. However, the effect of this toxin will vary depending on how much of it is used and the type of exposure.
Botox is almost always injected in small and targeted doses. Once it is injected, it prevents signals from the person’s nerves to his / her muscles. This, in turn, thwarts the targeted muscles from contracting, ultimately easing certain muscular conditions and improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles along the way.
Botox & Vision Procedures
Ophthalmologists use Botox injections around or under the eyes to treat various eye conditions, which include -
1. Blepharospasm or Eye Twitching. Sometimes, muscles around the eye and near the eyelid can twitch involuntarily involving the lower lid, upper lid or even both. More often than not, these twitches are mild and most people experience them once in a while. In some other cases, it can become chronic and can potentially impact vision by forcing both eyelids to close completely. These twitching episodes may occur on and off for many days and then, eventually disappear for months. When it does become excessive, Botox injections can help to relieve the twitching.
2. Eye Dryness / Tearing. If there are blocks or your eyes water through the tear ducts, Botox injections can aid in managing it. This injection can aid in widening the area so that the blockages can move out or tears can move around them. It can tone the tear ducts, so as to prevent excessive watering.
3. Strabismus. When there’s an imbalance in muscle strength, it prevents the eyes from focusing and moving together or when there's nerve damage around the eyeball, it results in an eye condition called Strabismus. It is more common among children compared to adults. If it does develop in adulthood, it is because of an underlying condition that requires medical treatment. Lazy eyes can be treated and Botox injections are one of the last approaches used to treat this eye condition.
4. Migraine. Chronic migraine headaches can often cause light sensitivity, flashes of light to appear or even eye pain. If you experience regular migraine headaches for more than 15 days, Botox injections can help to relieve those symptoms.
Is it Safe to Take Botox Injections?
For the most part, Botox injections are considered to be safe. However, there are some risks and side effects that come with Botox injections. Some of the temporary side effects include -
1. Droopy Eyelids
2. Mild Pain post taking the injection
3. Fat Bulges close to the injection site
4. Swelling
5. Bruising
6. Headaches
7. Dizziness
8. Temporary Muscle Weakness
9. Tears
Botox injections can certainly alter one’s life, but it does not provide a permanent solution when it comes to chronic conditions. It can aid in alleviating symptoms, but will not fix any discomfort that the person may be experiencing. At the end of it, eye conditions like strabismus and the like will require medical treatment.