DONATE EYE - Save the eye Campaign for public-private partnerships

The eye is the window in the world of any human being. Perhaps the most precious organ for dealing and managing everyday life challenges. Without eyesight, life becomes uncertain, dark and full of despair. Where most of us are blessed to have a sense of Vision, yet a certain percentage is by birth or at a later stage of life deprived of eyesight. Many of them are treatable and their eyesight can be regained fully or partially; but yet remain untreated. To reach such portions of our populations and help them see the world, we have started this ambitious campaign named "SAVE THE EYE"

For all such public or private initiatives, works by having set up an operational pipeline that better facilitates liasiosn of an eye donor  with eye banks. We are in the process of further expanding our data base of all eye banks in India, and the same would be accessible  for patients who are in need to have access to such information.  With this functional bridge, we create a two way connect -  from a donor to an eye bank and then patient in need to a nearest eye bank. Pertinent here to mention that does not manage operations, organ (eye) donations or handle eye banks:  we rather connect donors and receivers with eye banks.

In our larger cause of combating combat treatable blindness in India;
your partnership and support is a must!

Our mission under this programme is to reach the deprived, impoverish and marginal sections of the society who have little or no access to eye clinics and specialist eye surgeons/ ophthalmologists and facilitate their access and treatment requirments.

Under our flagship "save the eye" banner, we team up with anyone who is out to
facilitate better medical care and health benefits for poor eye patients.
We look up to foster partnerships and information exchange between
Eye hospitals, Corporate donors, Organizers /NGO's and Government departments
overseeing community health/vision programmes.

If you as a private organization, corporate sponsor, individual eye donor look to join our partnership programmes under this initiatives, we would be glad to shake hands and collaborate in successful programme implementation with measurable end results. For any such potential associations please click the button below and leave your contact & category of your interest,  we will get back to you at top priority.

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